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Select supplier: All | AcoustAlert | Avigilon | Axis Communications SA | Betafence South Africa | BioMaster | Boomgate Systems | Clearline Protection Systems | ClickOn Communications | Comb Communications | Forbatt SA | FSK Electronics SA | GIS-SA | Impro Technologies | Morpho South Africa | Naxian Systems | Ndlovu Fencing t/a Stafix Electric Fence and Security Centre | Nemtek | Progroup Manufacturing | Radio Data Communications | Suprema | Vixnet Africa | Zhejiang Dahua Technology | ZKTeco South Africa
Radio Data Communications
Edenvale. Representatives in Cape Town and Durban
Distributors: Elvey, IDS – Inhep Digital Security, Nemtek, Platco (Cape Town), SecuLogix (Nairobi), TPA Security Distributors
Service provider
Established in 1978, Radio Data Communications has supplied over 1,5 million VHF transmitter units and has over 400 radio networks located in South Africa and around the world. GSM and SMS based systems for alarm communication are available, offering expanded features and coverage for alarm communication. In keeping with the focus on personal service, RDC offers a number of value added services including 24 hour, 365 days a year technical support.
Contact: Gert Venter
Tel: +27 (0)11 452 1471/2
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