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Select supplier: All | AcoustAlert | Avigilon | Axis Communications SA | Betafence South Africa | BioMaster | Boomgate Systems | Clearline Protection Systems | ClickOn Communications | Comb Communications | Forbatt SA | FSK Electronics SA | GIS-SA | Impro Technologies | Morpho South Africa | Naxian Systems | Ndlovu Fencing t/a Stafix Electric Fence and Security Centre | Nemtek | Progroup Manufacturing | Radio Data Communications | Suprema | Vixnet Africa | Zhejiang Dahua Technology | ZKTeco South Africa
Naxian Systems
Johannesburg, Cape Town
Distributors: Bidvest Protea Coin, IOTEC, SI Systems, Dallis Technology Solutions, Servest Technical Services, Corporate Business Security
Naxian Systems provides security software, hardware and services solutions that reduce cost of ownership of systems. At the core of its offering is integrated systems management that makes use of technology that positions itself accurately against residential security budgets and ensures that your service providers keep systems healthy and ensures round the clock uptime.
Contact: Duncan Gordon
Tel: +27 (0)83 258 4000
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