Select company type: All | Distributor | Distributor/supplier | Employer organisation | Installer | Installer/System integrator | Installer/system integrator | Manufacturer | Manufacturer (software developer) | Manufacturer/Vendor | Service provider | System integrator
Select supplier: All | AcoustAlert | Avigilon | Axis Communications SA | Betafence South Africa | BioMaster | Boomgate Systems | Clearline Protection Systems | ClickOn Communications | Comb Communications | Forbatt SA | FSK Electronics SA | GIS-SA | Impro Technologies | Morpho South Africa | Naxian Systems | Ndlovu Fencing t/a Stafix Electric Fence and Security Centre | Nemtek | Progroup Manufacturing | Radio Data Communications | Suprema | Vixnet Africa | Zhejiang Dahua Technology | ZKTeco South Africa
Morpho South Africa
Distributors: Impro Technologies, Ideco Biometric Security Solutions, Gallagher Security, EOH
Oberthur Technologies (OT) and Safran Identity & Security (Morpho) are joining forces to create a world leader in digital security and identification technologies with the ambition to empower citizens and consumers alike to interact, pay, connect, commute, travel and even vote safely in ways that are now possible in a connected world.
Contact: Nicolas Garcia
Tel: +27 (0)83 268 8370
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