Motorola and SAIT-STENTO have announced that the Danish Telecom Authority has granted them a licence to establish and operate a new digital mobile network in Denmark. The network - based on the TETRA (TErrestrial Trunked RAdio) standard - will provide a suitable wireless communications solution for Danish public safety services, public authorities and private business customers.
The TETRA network will initially be rolled out in the Copenhagen area and is set to cover 75% of Denmark before the end of 2002 with 98% coverage expected before the end of 2003. So far, Motorola and SAIT-STENTO form the consortium that has been granted the license to establish and operate the system. Other partners may be included at a later stage.
The new network will replace the old analog radio systems and makes it possible for public safety services like the police, alarm centres, fire brigades and others to communicate with each other in a manner which is not possible with the current system.
For further details contact Motorola on tel: (0944) 1256 484 505.
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