Security Services & Risk Management

AI augmentation in security software
March 2024, AI & Data Analytics
The integration of AI technology into security software has been met with resistance. In this, the second of two articles, Paul Meyer explores the challenges and obstacles that must be overcome to empower AI-enabled, human-centric decision-making.

AI augmentation in security software and the resistance to IT
February 2024, Information Security
The integration of AI technology into security software has been met with resistance. In this, the first in a series of two articles, Paul Meyer explores the challenges and obstacles that must be overcome to empower AI-enabled, human-centric decision-making.

Understanding the power of digital identity
SMART Access & Identity 2024, Access Control & Identity Management, Financial (Industry)
The way we perceive business flourishing is undergoing a paradigm shift, as digital identity and consumer consent redefine the dynamics of transactions, says Shanaaz Trethewey.

What you can expect from digital identity in 2024
SMART Access & Identity 2024, Access Control & Identity Management
As biometric identity becomes a central tenet in secure access to finance, government, telecommunications, healthcare services and more, 2024 is expected to be a year where biometrics evolve and important regulatory conversations occur.

PSiRA Introduces the printing of certificates as an interim measure
January 2024, PSiRA (Private Security Ind. Regulatory Authority), News & Events, Associations
[Sponsored Content] The introduction of digital certificates was welcomed by the security industry; however, it also led to the exploitation of unsuspecting clients by third parties who print certificates at exorbitant fees.

More than 1 in 4 organisations banned GenAI
January 2024, AI & Data Analytics
Cisco released its 2024 Data Privacy Benchmark Study, an annual review of key privacy issues and their impact on business. Considering International Data Privacy Day, the findings highlight the growing privacy concerns with GenAI, trust challenges facing organisations over their use of AI, and the attractive returns from privacy investment.

Vumacam and NAVIC enhance SafeCity initiative
January 2024, Integrated Solutions
Vumacam and NAVIC, two of South Africa's most respected surveillance technology and vehicle intelligence providers, are proud to announce an alliance that will greatly expand the coverage and impact of the SafeCity initiative across the country.

The triad of business success: people, process and technology
January 2024, Editor's Choice
In the rapidly changing business world, success is often determined by the delicate balance of three core components: people, processes, and technology. Achieving this balance drives operational efficiency and propels businesses towards sustained growth and resilience.

Industry Compliance Self-Assessment (ICSA) for security businesses
January 2024, PSiRA (Private Security Ind. Regulatory Authority), News & Events, Associations
[Sponsored] All registered security service providers (SSPs) are required to complete a mandatory Industry Compliance Self-Assessment (ICSA) for security businesses.

The human factor side of video management systems
Issue 8 2023, Leaderware, Editor's Choice, Surveillance
A video management system (VMS) is central to, and the most vital element to any control room operation using CCTV as part of its service delivery, however, all too often, it is seen as a technical solution rather than an operational solution.

Get the basics right to win more business
Issue 8 2023, ServCraft, Editor's Choice
The barriers to entry in security are not high. More people are adding CCTV and fencing to their repertoire every year. Cowboys will not last long in a space where customers trust you with their safety.

More than just a criminal record check
Issue 8 2023, iFacts
When it comes to human-related risks, organisations and their most senior leaders focus on a narrow set of workforce risks, the potential risks that human workers pose to the business.

South Africa shows a 1200% increase in deepfake fraud
Issue 7 2023, News & Events
Sumsub released its third annual Identity Fraud Report of the year, analysing identity fraud across industries and regions based on millions of verification checks across 28 industries and over 2 million fraud cases.

Protecting organisations against fraud losses caused by ghost employees
Issue 7 2023
Several key South African organisations are potentially incurring significant losses due to 'ghosts’; ghost employees who exist on paper within business or government departments, but not in real life.

How hackers exploit our vulnerabilities
Issue 7 2023, Information Security
Distractions, multi-tasking, and emotional responses increase individuals’ vulnerability to social engineering, manipulation, and various forms of digital attacks; 74% of all data breaches included a human element.

The illusion of good intentions
Issue 7 2023
The psychology of cyber criminals continues to be an intriguing aspect of discussions surrounding cybercrime. What cybercriminals do, particularly with ransomware, is neutralising perceptions of what they are doing by using business terminology.

Tech developments lead hologram growth in 2024
Issue 7 2023, News & Events
Micro-lenses, micro-mirrors and plasmonics are among the rapidly-emerging optical devices that have evolved on the back of holographic and diffractive technologies, and are seen as part of the natural evolution of optical science by R&D teams.

Rapid rise in DNS attacks drives demand for new approach
Issue 7 2023, Infrastructure
As ransomware grows more sophisticated and DNS attacks become more frequent, businesses are increasingly trying to protect themselves by adopting innovative approaches and technologies to bolster the integrity and security of their backup systems.

South Africans play a role in becoming scam victims
Issue 7 2023, Editor's Choice
The South African fraud landscape is becoming increasingly risky as fraudsters and scammers look to target individuals with highly sophisticated scams, in an environment where it is becoming increasingly difficult for lawmakers and authorities to bring these criminals to justice.

Cyber threat anticipation
Issue 7 2023, NEC XON, Information Security
The ever-increasing number of sophisticated attacks on the horizon means organisations must evolve and adapt their cybersecurity strategies to protect their data, systems, and reputation.


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