The world's first commercially available global satellite short data messaging service can bring the local hands-on flexibility to global systems and personnel management. The system is being marketed by Station 12, the satellite communications member of the KPN Group, The Netherlands.
The Station 12 D+ system operates through a global satellite network and offers low-cost, satellite short messaging functions, operating between as many locations as required, anywhere in the world. Three geostationary satellites provide global coverage for the Station 12 D+ service, enabling two-way communications of short messages between users or unmanned computers (either fixed or mobile) and central or regional offices.
The system is applicable across a wide range of industries, including aerospace, banking, construction, energy, exploration, freighting, insurance, maritime, mining, plant and pipeline management, policing, transport and the utilities. It can add value, reduce costs and enhance security of company operations by linking remote and mobile locations to the company information network. It can thus improve general personnel communications, operational monitoring, vehicle and equipment location and safety.
The D+ system can also allow customers tight control of quality or production factors, 24 h a day, across any distance. The system can monitor any factor that can be electronically measured, such as temperature, pressure, vibration, voltage, light level, flowrate, orientation, leakage or the safety of potentially hazardous materials.
Trucking industry interested in tracking services
In South Africa the trucking industry is very interested in the D+ service. A tracking and tracing application developed by one of our African-based service providers has been used by a trucking company as a pilot for the last six months.
As an illustration of D+ capabilities, Station 12's partner, German service provider Transport Data, has developed a tracking and tracing application, Nuloc Compact D+, based on standard European maps; this can trace vehicles, containers, railcars (and even individual loads or packets) to an accuracy of a few metres. The service has considerable implications not just in transport and freighting but for the security and insurance industries. Also, Norwegian company Comware, has developed a suite of ready-to-use software applications for Station 12 D+.
Light terminals, easy to use
The terminals for D+ are smaller, lighter and easier to use than anything available to date. Low-cost sensors allow, for example, high performance emergency and tracking procedures to be carried out. Pocket-sized portable terminals are also available at prices less than R6000 with service calls at highly economical rates.
For details contact Charles van der Mee of Station 12 on tel: (0931) 7034 32734.
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