Samsung Electronics has recently launched the new SHR-7000 and SHR-8000 series of realtime digital video recorders. The new additions offer realtime recording and playback on all channels in either CIF (SHR-7000) or full D1 (SHR-8000) resolution, ensuring that no event is missed.
The new 7000 and 8000 series are available in eight and 16 channel variants and feature multiple viewing outputs, including composite video, VGA and HDMI which allows the connection of 1080P compatible monitors for superb image quality,
The DVRs are network ready, with easy integration into Samsung Electronics Net-I remote video management solution. Remote monitoring can be achieved with support for static IP, PPoE and DDNS connection built in. The 7000 and 8000 series DVRs also feature a bandwidth throttle to cater for individual network capacities.
Archiving is simplicity itself, with a built in DVD R/W drive which support CD-R, CD-RW, DVD+R, DVD-R, DVD+RW and DVD-RW, along with 3x USD ports for the immediate archiving of smaller clips.
For more information contact Adelaide Taylor, marketing manager, ADI Global Distribution, +27 (0) 11 574 2500,
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