In-depth training helps customers avoid weak links

August 2001 Perimeter Security, Alarms & Intruder Detection

As security systems become more sophisticated, it is imperative that owners learn to specify the right products prior to purchase and, then, undertake training to properly employ the products and system once installed. Poor choices in product type can compromise a system every bit as much as poor execution of the system.

The extremes inherent in today's advanced devices lead to situations where both purchasers and operators can become easily baffled. For instance, does one's employee know how to operate a parking gate or vehicle barricade system during a power outage? It is common that a guard does not know the proper procedures or, worse yet, does not even know who to contact for information.


Today, training on the use of equipment and systems is paramount. There must be a hand-over of knowledge on equipment, how it works, what to troubleshoot and how to maintain the equipment. Vendors must realise that this is the backbone of protecting their customers while end-users must undertake such training to assure they are reaping the benefits of what was bought and implemented. Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for an organisation to invest in increased security, only to have their operators not use it because they are improperly trained.

Ordering the right equipment to begin with

If one looks at a vehicle ingress/egress system, it is important to remember that each facility is unique. Factors that need to taken into account include the frequency of vehicles going in and out, the level of security needed, will there be vehicle inspections or is this system fully automated?

As with most security products, barrier selection is quite broad, from the devices which protect against the largest, highest speeds to small, low speed applications such as a normal parking lot. Frequency of operation is very important. Thus, one would not use a sliding gate if faced with admitting and releasing 400 cars per day. In reality, due to the inconvenience to the employees, an operator would simply leave the gate open. Therefore, one needs to employ the simplest solution. Do not under-specify but do not over-specify either.

Another common mistake made with all types of security systems, especially those owned for some time, is to modify them with subsystems from other companies without learning if they are truly complementary. When doing so, it is always advisable to check with the original manufacturer of the system for a safety review. The original system manufacturer already has years of experience knowing which subsystems will or will not work. You can be advised of any problems prior to installation so corrective actions can be built into the hardware and the training program gets updated to handle the new twist to the system.

Lastly, mechanical failures can be avoided by simply following a regularly scheduled preventative maintenance program.

Assuring success

In every system, there are five steps to assuring success viz:

* Specify the correct devices and system components.

* Install the equipment properly.

* Verify the system works the way you envisioned.

* Educate the using public and operators.

* Train on maintenance so that there are no mysteries.

By doing the above, you can reap the return on your investment that you were looking for in the first place - employee safety.

For further details contact Delta Scientific on tel: (0944) 118 948 1133, e-mail: [email protected]

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