Mastering security awareness in the digital era

Issue 6 2023 Security Services & Risk Management, Training & Education

Simeon Tassev.

Cybersecurity threats are becoming increasingly sophisticated and targeted in today's digital landscape. While organisations invest in advanced anti-malware and threat detection software, they often overlook a critical variable in their security posture: people.

Human error and lack of security awareness remain the number one security threat. Companies must consider the importance of managing employee cyber risk and the significance of training and awareness programmes. Furthermore, organisations need to be cognisant of the ever-evolving nature of human-targeted attacks, the impact of human error on security, best practices for staying security savvy, the components of a strong human risk management programme, and the steps to building a security-first culture.

The evolution of human-targeted attacks

Human-targeted attacks are expected to evolve not only in terms of execution but also in their level of specificity and believability. Threat actors are employing targeted approaches to infiltrate organisations and extract sensitive information. Previously, attacks were generic and employed basic templates. However, today's attackers are increasingly sophisticated, using personalised techniques such as company email attacks. Attackers will continue refining their methods to obtain critical information, thus demanding heightened vigilance from organisations.

Human error poses a significant security risk to organisations, possibly undermining even the most robust security strategies and systems. It is, therefore, crucial to identify critical areas within an organisation and assess the potential risk of human error in those areas. For example, a seemingly minor mistake, such as a call centre agent providing extra information to a caller, can inadvertently aid a perpetrator in launching a company email attack.

Understanding the dynamics of the threat landscape and the potential risks involved allows businesses to prioritise critical areas and implement appropriate training and security measures.

Best practices for employees to stay security savvy

Building a culture of security awareness is crucial for keeping staff security savvy. This can be achieved through various campaigns, tools, and techniques. Regular communication about cyber threats, reminders, screensavers, and posters can help raise awareness and make security second nature. It is essential to continuously educate employees about new techniques and potential threats to ensure they remain up-to-date and vigilant.

Furthermore, a robust human risk management programme combines various tools, policies, procedures, and controls to heighten security measures. While no method is full-proof against human error, it is crucial to understand and prioritise the imminent risks at hand. Risk management allows organisations to identify acceptable risks and focus on mitigating unacceptable risks. Training platforms and risk profiling can help tailor training, additional controls, and policies to specific areas of the business, and success in human risk management requires ongoing assessment and adjustment, acknowledging that unexpected threats can emerge.

Building a security-first culture

Building a security-first culture starts with top-down leadership. Management must understand the importance of security and ensure the implementation and enforcement of relevant policies and procedures. Enforcement helps prevent security breaches and fosters a culture where employees understand the reasoning behind security measures. Scenario-based learning, where employees are exposed to various cyber threat situations, can help them comprehend the relevance of security strategies in their specific roles and environments. In an effort to stay ahead of evolving threats, organisations must maintain a proactive approach to cybersecurity.

In the ever-evolving cyber landscape, organisations must recognise that people play a crucial role in security. Human-targeted attacks continue to evolve, demanding greater vigilance and targeted training efforts. Human error remains the number one security threat, emphasising the need for robust risk management programs and comprehensive security training. Building a security-first culture requires top-down leadership, effective communication, and ongoing education to proactively empower employees to identify and mitigate security risks.

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