Electronic Document Centre uses Synology

Issue 6 2023 Infrastructure, Asset Management

Electronic Document Centre (EDC), a prominent organisation in the Gulf region offering digital transformation solutions and services to organisations in the Middle East Region, faced the challenge of managing their rapidly growing volume of data while ensuring service continuity for their crucial systems.

To address these critical requirements, EDC gradually deployed 12 units of the RS Series rackmount across six clusters, providing high uptime storage for SMB shared folders. This deployment allows the organisation to significantly improve file access and management capabilities compared to their previous solution.

Furthermore, with two Synology RackStation units in an active-passive failover cluster configuration using Synology High Availability (SHA), it guarantees seamless failover in case of hardware or network failures. With the help of SHA, EDC has maintained a steady workflow without interruption, maximising service uptime and increasing the reliability of its IT environment.

“We were looking for great reliability, quality, and support. Synology's solutions meet all of these criteria and more,” said Shereef Abbas, Director of IT and Security at Electronic Document Centre. “Synology allows us to expand our data management infrastructure without incurring significant additional costs. We are very happy with them.”

Find local Synology suppliers at https://www.hsbd.co.za/brand-suppliers.aspx?agacc=5874

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