Modular and aesthetic design

Issue 6 2023 Infrastructure

Sungrow Power has identified the obvious need for its backup power solutions in South Africa, and it knows the market is ready for something different. Load shedding has impacted everyone, and true to our South African tenacity and ability to find a remedy, there has been a proliferation of suppliers springing up over night with solar and backup solutions.

The market has been impacted by everyone jumping on the band wagon, which has led to a virtual price war that suppliers are foolishly using as a marketing tool, by trying to be cheaper than their competitors. The technology is sophisticated, so most consumers only understand price and chase the lowest offer. In in order to offer that lowest price, the sellers need to reduce their costs.

Unfortunately, this benefits no-one, as the consumer will ultimately suffer with either an inferior product, poor installations or non-existent after sales service. The supplier is also affected by very low profit margins and ultimately many of the newer companies will sadly fall into insolvency.

A few brands have established themselves as ‘tier one’ products and have managed to capture a good market share with their offerings. However, most of the products are older technology and are really not designed for installation in homes and offices, where they will be in spaces where people will see them constantly. The physical enclosures are boxy and unattractive, multiple colours are used, industrial looking mounting solutions employed, and noisy fans are commonplace.

Sungrow has taken a fresh approach, by advancing the technology as well as considering the aesthetics of the product, thus making them more pleasing to incorporate in human spaces. The smooth ergonomic style of the battery and inverter enclosures are finished in a neutral but modern grey, and the discreet logos are hardly noticeable. The heat-sink cooling means that there are no fans which in turn means less maintenance and zero noise.

The modular design of the system means that adding additional batteries is relatively simple and there are no cables needed to interconnect batteries. Additionally, the battery technology is higher voltage, lower current than traditional 48 V systems. The 192 V architecture has the advantages of reducing the cabling costs and improving the efficiency, which also reduces overheads. All connectors supplied are IP65 rated, and the enclosure is equally rated, which vastly expands the options for installed location. The batteries and inverter carry a 10 year warranty.

Sungrow has been operating for 17 years and has established itself as a class leader in technology and service. They are represented in South Africa by Digit FMS, a well-known brand also with a 17 year track record and branches nationwide.

For more information, contact Digit FMS, +27 87 223 4448, [email protected]

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