Protecting yourself from DDoS attacks

Issue 7 2022 Information Security, Security Services & Risk Management

Tarquin Rohlandt.

Picture this: it’s Black Friday and it’s time to take advantage of the massive sale on your favourite online shop. You’ve been receiving emails all month in the run-up to the day and you’ve bookmarked several items that you just have to have, and their prices for one day only are ridiculously low. You open the browser, head to the store and...

You find yourself staring at a blank page. The service is unavailable. You refresh. You close the browser and reopen it. You clear your cache. You restart your modem. Rinse, repeat. Still nothing. The site is down.

You phone the site’s customer service call centre and are placed in a queue. After waiting for 20 minutes, you know something is wrong. The queue for a call centre employee is huge. What’s going on?

You check on social media and find that posts about the Black Friday sale on this retailer’s site are exploding with rage. You’re clearly not the only one having this problem. You are finally able to talk to one of the store’s employees and they say the site is down due to a Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack. You ask how long the site will be down. They don’t know.

This site could be down for hours. It could be down for days. Glumly you go searching on other retail sites for the items you want. They’re not as cheap, but they’re available. As you make your first purchase, you angrily vow never to visit that other online retailer ever again.

DDoS attacks are on the rise

If this scenario sounds frustrating for a customer, imagine what it must sound like if you are the owner of a retail site under the same circumstances. A DDoS attack, which is what happens when an attacker floods a server or network with Internet traffic to prevent users from accessing connected online services, can cost you untold damage in both earnings and reputation.

Retail sites are not alone; DDoS attacks can be targeted at any enterprise that operates in the online space, including corporations, financial institutions, NGOs, gaming networks, ISPs and even governments.

In the last year, cybercriminals launched over 9 million DDoS attacks, with around 4,4 million occurring in the second half of 2021. Simply put, no business can afford to be without protection against such attacks. They are a vital part of any cybersecurity conversation.

Protect your networks

Businesses can guard against DDoS attacks by purchasing a service that can function as a barrier to any attempt to overload their network with traffic. One such service, Liquid’s recently launched DDoS Secure, mitigates attacks by scrubbing traffic and blocking known attackers or hostile traffic. On top of this, this service can give clients a line of sight into an attempted disruption by providing reports on any attacks.

Services such as these provide businesses with a crucial layer of protection. They ensure work is not interrupted by DDoS attacks, prevent revenue loss and safeguard the reputation of their clients. Beyond this, they increase businesses’ potential for growth through tenders and partnerships by granting them DDoS compliance – more opportunities open up once an enterprise can demonstrate that its network and day-to-day operations are secured against attacks of this type.

With DDoS attacks constantly on the rise, it pays to have higher visibility of potential attacks, to be able to automatically mitigate threats and secure your business’s reputation, compliance and its bottom-line. DDoS protection is essential for businesses operating in our ever-increasingly connected world.

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